WellBeing Simplified.

538 Adelaide St. N Unit 201, London, ON


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T Zone Vibration Plate

Model HE-90 includes platform, 'magic mat', hard mat, 2 adjustable poles, arm bands and remote (approx. 38lbs)

The vibrations that are singled throughout the body while using whole body vibration therapy are extremely useful in stimulating and assisting the lymphatic system to work more efficiently.
Benefits researchers and vibration plate users have reported include:

  • Having radiant healthy skin
  • Aiding in weight loss
  • Decreasing stress
  • Decreasing acne, rash, dry skin, eczema or other chronic skin problems
  • Improving immune system function and circulation
  • Increasing flexibility and balance
  • Developing stronger bones
  • Decrease cellulite visibility
  • Feeling joint and back pain relief
  • Reducing chronic colds or sinus infections

Contraindications: WBV is very safe, but may not be suitable for some people. Please be sure to seek qualified medical advice before using. In particular if you are pregnant, have a pacemaker any other implant, or have had a recent surgery, or have any medical condition whatsoever, please do not undertake WBV without the approval of your medical practitioner.

Warranty: 1 year repair or replace, 2 years on parts, 3 years on motor *shipping not included*

An effective lymphatic system is crucial in draining fluid from cells and tissues and plays an important role in the detoxification process. There are many habits that stimulate the lymphatic system including dry skin brushing, a cold splash after each warm shower, adequate hydration, and movement throughout the day.

The vibrations that are signaled throughout the body while using vibration therapy are extremely useful in stimulating and assisting the lymphatic system to work more efficiently. On their own, people do not possess the capability to create the same stimulation as produced by the vibration plates.